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previous conviction中文是什么意思

用"previous conviction"造句"previous conviction"怎么读"previous conviction" in a sentence


  • 以前判的罪, 有前科的人
  • 以前曾被判罪;“案底”


  • The criminal had had four previous convictions
  • You have two previous convictions for breaking into safes , right
  • Because of a previous conviction , the judge refused to grant the bail
  • They have no previous convictions
  • At the sentencing , the judge told the defendant - - who has previous convictions for theft - - to open his gift
    在宣判过程中,法官要求被告?已有窃盗前科?翻开他的礼物(指圣经) 。
  • Indeed , his apocalyptic threats have started to erode the previous conviction of most israeli analysts that , for all its proclaimed religiosity , iran is still a rational actor
  • Individuals applying to perform alternative service must not currently be involved in court cases relating to or have previous convictions for any of the crimes specified as preventing application to perform the category of alternative service for which application has been made this restriction shall not apply in the case of persons convicted of crimes as juveniles , persons who committed crimes out of negligence , or persons who have had their sentence suspended
用"previous conviction"造句  
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